Moving may seem like a massive operation with a lot of planning involved but in actual fact making a moving timeline and checklist can help to make your moving experience a breeze. Taking the time to develop a moving timeline is critical.
The papers are signed, the plans are underway and soon you will be moving into your new home. It is always a good idea to work out the logistics and plan every step of your move so as to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.
The key to successful moving is to start planning early. Divide your tasks up into weekly targets and make a schedule of what needs to be done before moving day arrives.

The Moving Timeline
Eight Weeks Before | First things first. You need to set the date for your move and then stick to a timeline. What to do 8 weeks before your move: Decide whether you will be making use of a professional moving company be sure to obtain estimates from at least three professional moving companies. You can also get recommendations from friends and family who have recently moved. Draw up a floor plan of your new home and plan where your Home furniture is going to fit. If furniture is not going to fit, then try to sell it or donate it. Start using up food from your freezer and then buy groceries weekly so as to save it from spoiling during the move. Clean out clutter! You will be surprised at how many items you will find that you never even knew you had. If you have never used it get rid of it! Make a list of the people and your creditors or debtors who will need to learn of your new address. As you receive your mail check that the sender is on your list of people to inform. If you are moving to a totally different area then it is important to research banks, doctors and schools. Gather all the proper paperwork that is going to be needed to set up any new accounts. |
Six Weeks Before | Once all your belonging have been sorted start packing non-essential items. Make sure to discuss all the details of your move with your moving company. When you are happy with all the details be sure to book them for the day of your move. Assess your clothing closets and donate any clothing that you no longer wear to charity or other family members. Work together with your children’s current and future schools so that they are able to transfer school records and make the plans for a smooth transition. |
Five Weeks Before | Map out a room-by-room plan before you start putting everything into boxes. Buy moving supplies such as boxes, packing material, tape, labels, and box cutters. Start a box-labelling system and number your boxes as well as color-code them by room. Start a room-by-room packing schedule and try to stick to it. |
Four Weeks Before | This week you should endeavour to spend your time getting all of your official documents in order.If you are going to need storage, then now is the time to organise this. If you have pets, consider how they will be moved. You may need to want to get a family member to watch your pets while you are moving.Arrange for final readings of your services such as gas, water and electricity to be performed just prior to your move. Don’t forget to make sure that you organize for these services are connected in your new home prior to your arrival.Put in for leave at your job for the few days surrounding your move.Schedule a babysitter for young children if necessary. |
Three Weeks Before | Cancel all newspaper home deliveries and set up for delivery in your new neighbourhood. It is also a good idea to sort out any annual subscriptions you may have.Make sure that you have all valuable paperwork, jewellery, and small family heirlooms in one place. Try to keep these items separate from your moving boxes and make a plan for transport them by hand Now is the time to start packing the items that you will not need over the next few weeks such as linen, cutlery and crockery. |
Two Weeks Before | Double check that all of your prescriptions are in place.Ensure your possessions will be fully insured during the move or alternatively arrange for extra insurance cover.Contact the council in your neighbourhood to find out about garbage pick-up, local regulations and other information.Put together a folder for the new owners of your home. This folder should have any warranties, vendor recommendations, and your contact information in case they have questions or need contact you.Make sure that everyone has packed medications that they are going to need into their suitcase. |
One Week Before | Tie up any loose ends that you haven’t gotten to yet. Tidy up the garden and outside area of your home. Defrost your refrigerator and freezer. Remember to mark any items that should be handled with care for your movers. Put together a box of items which you may need for the day of the move. This items may include things such as scissors, a utility knife, paper plates, toilet paper, drinks, cups, soap, plasters, headache tablets, rubbish bags and toys for young children. If you find that you have additional items to donate, schedule a pickup by your chosen organization. Get each family member to pack a suitcase with their daily toiletries and comfortable clothes. Confirm all details with your bw mover moving company. |
BW Movers will pack, carry, transport and offload your belongings while exceeding industry standards with our friendliness and professionalism. Put BW Movers to the test and experience a move that makes you smile. BW Movers will also come and expect your home and furnish you with a no obligation quote.

What Should be Included in an Office Relocation Checklist?
When developing an office relocation project plan, it’s crucial to include a comprehensive checklist. This should encompass tasks like organizing the timeline, coordinating with relevant parties, designing the new office layout, updating contact information, managing IT infrastructure, and ensuring a smooth transition for employees. By including these key elements, you can better streamline the relocation process and minimize disruptions to your business operations.
What Should Be Included in the Ultimate Moving “To-Do List” Kit?
Planning a move can be overwhelming, but with an ultimate moving checklist kit, the process becomes more manageable. This kit should include essential items such as packing supplies, labeling tools, a list of important contacts, a timeline for tasks, and a detailed inventory sheet. Don’t forget to add a room-by-room packing guide and a moving day survival kit with essentials like snacks, water, and first-aid supplies.
Moving Day Has Arrived
The big day has arrived, and it is time to carry out the last through items on your to do list that you prepared or implement through moving timeline checklist for relocation.
Remember to remove all remaining food from your refrigerator and freezer. You should not have too much in there by now so this should be a relatively easy job.
Wipe down your cupboards, sweep the floors and make sure that the house is clean and tidy for the next people who will be living there. Double check as well that you have not left anything behind in cupboards, shelves or the garage.
Lastly, turn off all services as well as the electricity mains and the taps. Make sure to lock all doors and windows and leave the keys with your real estate agent.
Make sure when you move into your new home that all the services are switched on and that all your appliances are in working order.
BW movers are committed to give you the best moving experience at affordable prices. Our handpicked team of packers and movers are trained to make the moving process smoother, faster and stress free.
We Are the Moving Expertise in your city You Can Rely On.